Step 1: installing Strapi
Strapi is a open source headless CMS. It’s codebase is available via Github and maintained by many developers. Strapi can be self hosted and also supports modern interfaces for queries like GraphQL.
Use either Yarn och NPM to install Strapi. The default Strapi installation will use SQLite as DB and create a DB file in your project.
Standalone on linux, WSL2 or mac
With Yarn
yarn create strapi-app my-project --quickstart
With NPM
npx create-strapi-app@latest my-project --quickstart
To run Strapi, just cd into project directory and run
yarn develop (yarn version) or npm run develop (npm version)
With Docker
If you prefer a dockerized version of Strapi then you can download it here:
Bear in mind that docker images does not support the absolute latest versions of Strapi. Simple docker-compose.yaml file with minimum settings running Strapi with SQLLite.
version: '3'
image: strapi/strapi
- ./app:/srv/app
- '1337:1337'
Just replace my-project with your project name.
Pull the latest images
docker-compose pull
Run Strapi in docker container
docker-compose up -d